How do I input my username in gacha pets

Posted by darkoverlorddominus on Sept. 7, 2020

I don’t know how to put my username in gacha pets can someone help me


Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on Sept. 7, 2020

After you open the game, you should be able to say "change username to dark overlord"

Let me know if that doesn't work!

Reply by darkoverlorddominus on Sept. 7, 2020

Ok I will try it tomorrow

Reply by CrazyCobra on March 25, 2023

#2023 Does this still work?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on March 26, 2023

Yes, It should still work.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on March 26, 2023

It still does. I changed my name to comander the fearless

Reply by CrazyCobra on March 26, 2023

ooh! cant wait to put in my username. you might let people know early on in game that they can do this, so we will have more named people.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on March 28, 2023

I am getting kind of tired of fighting anonimouses. Also, if you add more things that let players interact with each other, then it would be a good idea for people to have unique names. Just don't let them have names that have language, obviously. That username reminder is a good idea.

Reply by CrazyCobra on March 28, 2023

In another alexa skill, it lets you customize your name at the beginning and reminds you that having profanity in names is a bannable offense. The game wasnt that good, but the reminder was.

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on March 30, 2023

I'm going to add a reminder and add a reward for changing it to incentivize being non-anonymous. Everyone that changed their name already will receive a reward the next time they log in.

Reply by CrazyCobra on March 30, 2023

Was the prize 10 eggs? I played today, and after i was done in the forest I had 12 eggs. (way more than expected.) I played the online version for the first time today and i got like 5 of the new pets from my eggs. Im glad i could boulster my collection.

Reply by CrazyCobra on March 31, 2023

So it turns out I earn eggs much faster online due to being able to click faster than saying yes to my echo. I havn't even renamed yet, so Im not even sure why I asked! lol! What do you think the prize might be?

Reply by Digital Hokum Staff Replymalero on March 31, 2023

I think 10 sounds about right.

Reply by CommanderTheBarbarian on April 2, 2023

Did you make the reward for changing your name to something unique yet?

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